Read and React Part 3#

Working at the California Grill as a Disney College Program Cast Member is similar to winning the lottery. We are a signature dining location which is Disney terms for high end table service restaurant, and it is located on the 15th floor of the Contemporary hotel. The owner of the restaurant is Michael Scheifler and his highly skilled management staff includes Andrey Kolchurin, Dennis Kastanis, Diane Hastings, and Darlene Cipriano. Everyone on the team is not a pencil pushing micro managing nagger, they are always present and available to assist in areas around the restaurant. Nothing is below them but the floors they walk on as they carry dirty dishes and bring hot food to guests. Most of the time we can find them chatting with guests or coaching staff on what are proper ways to handle situations.

My Organization leadership class with Disney required me to do an interview with one of our managers. I had a wonderful standing interview during work hours with Darlene, because in the restaurant business there is rarely any time to sit. She explained to me how she was a hired on Manager versus someone who went through many different positions in Disney before finally ending up in a management position. She gave me her personal cellphone number and invited me to stay in contact after the program because she appreciates my enthusiasm for work and my love for the theater arts.

Her advice to me as I explained to her my goal is to become the General Manager of a hotel was similar to what I read in “Transitioning into a Leadership Role: On-the-Job Success Strategies for Newly Promoted Managers.” She told me to avoid taking sides and stay neutral in situations because as a manager there are many ethical things to consider before making a comment. She talked about listening first and doing second because many times people skip the little details once they focus on what they want to hear, and many times the little details are what makes a difference in Disney. And lastly she said to always carry a business card because there is always time to network and get your name out there to people who can make a difference in your life.

I feel honestly blessed working with such an all star team of management because they are always present and making the workplace a fun place to be!

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1 Response to Read and React Part 3#

  1. You received sound advice. Leaders have different styles but regardless of your style, listening will always do you well.

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