Being part of the Disney College Program goes far beyond working long hours, and learning a lot. You also learn to live with other people and how to adapt to different environments. Since the beginning of my program, my roommates and I have gotten along very well. We respect each other and our belongings, as well as our common space. However, when it came to removing the trash from the apartment, I observed that some of us were taking out the trash more than others. It was not a big problem because we understand that it is hard to keep track of it with so many people in the apartment. I wanted to make it a fair playing field for everyone so I developed a log and posted it on the fridge. Every time someone removes the garbage, they log their name and date. That log was successful not only for my apartment but for two other apartments that I shared the idea with. Now we have a set schedule of who takes out the garbage next. Every day I realize how much I am learning in this program and the creativity that it is bringing to me.