Hi, my name is Qing, and I am a student studying Hospitality at the City College of Technology. From the first semester in college until now, I’ve seen a huge transformation from my old self to the new me. Before I just focused on school and did my own things. But now I have become more independent and started networking with many of the students and faculty in this school! I learned this is an important first step out into the real world because no matter where you are, they can become your mentor and guide you. I wanted to work at a front desk at any major brand hotels. I work best in a team environment and always work with integrity. Teamwork is important in my work areas where multiple tasks need to be accomplished by a certain time. Integrity becomes crucial when working with your team or with guests and customers. There are times when it’s tough at work but I always tell myself to fight it. If I can overcome the bitterness of the fruit, it can become sweet and flavorful when it’s ripe
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