


We’re trying a little something new this week! Please excuse the unfortunate thumbnail… 


Our society’s image of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math fall towards men. The Draw-A-Scientist Test shows that young elementary school children see scientists as solely men in lab coats creating monsters and explosions. As a woman in STEM, the issue of women’s underrepresentation and partition in any of these fields is disheartening. Over the weekend, I was able to attend the Scientista Symposium, which helped expand my view on women in the STEM fields. 



For more information on the Scientista Foundation, click here.

I was able to attend the event thanks to the generosity and support of Professor Melanie Villatoro and Perkins Peer Advisement. 

Stop by if you need any help! (I have a solid hold on statics, my fellow CMCE students, so come through!)



The Scientific Method


The scientific method is something we are all familiar with. Basically, it is the systematic observation, measurement, experimentation and modification of a hypothesis.  

I am a great believer in the scientific method. It is never scientifically proven until it can be repeated multiple times with the same result and I am proud to say that I have been conducting thorough scientific observation since my formative years.  Take for example, the research I helmed in electrical conductance and insulation:


As any famed scientist should, I shall share with you the findings of my experimentation. And because I am also a storyteller, we shall set the scene…

It was midday somewhere in the hills of Cebu City, Philippines. A young Pebbles has been sent to bed for a nap before she attends pre-school. With the doors shut and the sun shining, our rebellious little scientist refused to shut her eyes. Instead, she discovered one of her father’s pens, laying on the bed beside a stuffed animal.

Now rumor had it that if one  were to put a metal something into a socket, it would electrocute said idiot. But, it was Pebbles’ hypothesis that if there were a buffer (the teddy bear) between the metal something (the fancy pen) and herself, there would be no cause for injury. And so, our little scientist set to work…




There is a moment in every young scientist’s life that she realizes she’s made a grave mistake. As the daylight suddenly turned to darkness, little Pebbles–



Rumor had it, that if one were to put a metal something into a socket…




Rumor had it…




It was now three p.m. The sun was lower, but our young scientist had exhausted her resources. Her blackout in the name of science had been longer this time around. It was now time for preschool. Rumor had been true and her hypothesis false. Conclusion:

Teddy bears are terrible electrical insulators.




Anyone recall their childhood science experiments?


All artwork by Pebbles!




Load Over Area


Peeps! My next interview will be next week.
For today, here’s a weird STEM Dad Joke!






If a load is applied to a smaller area, the resulting stress is much larger.


And if that same load is applied to a larger area, the smaller the resulting stress.


So, by that logic, the more I stress eat, the larger my area becomes. The larger my area, the more space for the load of school, work and home to disperse upon. Thus, the less stress I will incur…




Welp, at least I tried?

In all seriousness, our semester is coming to an end, my friends. It’ll get hard to stay on task with so many things flying your way, but I believe in you! Find your way of coping with stress and roll with it.

If you need some inspiration, maybe check out Cherishe’s work! She’s got some great advice for ending the semester on a good note whilst still taking care of yourself. Its a hard thing to do, but you are the occupant of a body that needs love and care. If you need time to do that, take it! At the end of the day, you’re the only one living in a body that doesn’t come with replacement parts.

Take some time and breathe and find a small thing to decompress while we hit the home stretch! (For me, I love a shot of humor!)

I hope you find your outlet, and I’ll catch you next week for another interview!



Artwork by Pebbles.

Bio-Printing – An Amazing Breakthrough in Medicine and Technology

a computer rendering of a heart being printed

What is it?

A relatively new offshoot of 3D printing, Bio-Printing involves the use special printers, inks and paper to create living 3D replicas of human tissue. Where 3D printers print inanimate (and sometimes edible) objects using materials like plastic, metal, rubber granulated sugars, Bio-Printers use ‘Bio-Ink’ a  liquid mix made from living cells to create things like blood vessels, skin cells, noses ears, and hopefully in the near future, fully functioning livers, lungs and hearts.

The Printing Process

First an image of the tissue to be printed must be created. Using software similar to AutoCAD, a 3D blueprint of the tissue is made and fed into a printer. Ink containing biopolymer solutions are fed into a printer’s ink jet and the print job is started. Bio-Print jobs are created by continuously layering cells at varying temperatures on Bio-Paper (special paper created to keep printed cells alive).

Why is it important?

For people on the bottom of the transplant waiting list, Bio-Printing is the light at the end of an otherwise dark tunnel. Through Bio-Printing, Doctors would have an endless supply of organs to transplant without the worry of transmitting diseases, or transplanting incompatible organs. People born with missing or damaged organs or limbs could have a new one created based on Bio-Ink created from their cells. From a cosmetic point of view, with research, Bio-Printing would allow people to have their entire faces printed. Eliminating the possibility of botched surgeries and greatly reducing the risks of plastic surgery.

Ethical Issues

There are mixed opinions on the ethics of Bio-Printing. The “Complex Heterogeneous Tissue Constructs Containing Multiple Cell Types Prepared By Inkjet Printing Technology” study combined both human and animal cells to create living tissue. While the majority of the public was not (and still isn’t) aware of the human cross animal tissue, it started a heated ethical & moral debate. Some of the tissues used in Bio-Ink come from stem cells – making the use of the ink highly controversial. The Catholic Church prohibits the use of stem cells that originate from human embryos; however, this prohibition does not extend to all stem cells. A two year old born without a windpipe, had an artificial one created for her from stem cells taken from her bone marrow.

Bio-Printing has the potential to revolutionize the medical community. It can save lives that would have otherwise been forfeit, but it will eventually force people to deal with serious ethical issues. Bio-Printing has not yet reached the level of being able to create fully functioning organs, but the technology improves by leaps and bounds every day. Should a person accept a liver that will save their lives if it contains the cells of say, a pig? Should an infant be allowed to die because their only option is to be given a heart printed from embryotic stem cells? When we eventually perfect this potentially lifesaving technology, what will we do with it?


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