seventh, more progress.

It’s been a few weeks that I have been with Sparta Commercials and so far, everything is going well. My supervisor and CEO has given me a lot of work to do that my time at the office isn’t even enough. The deadlines are too close, so it’s been a very hectic time for me. My supervisor does not allow me to do assigned works at home or when I’m away from the office, but sometimes I have no other choice but to.

I would be given a project to work on and within that project, other sub-projects would come up and at the end of the day I would end up having about 5 assignments on hand. I’m not the only intern in the office, but I am the only graphic designer there. Every week, I would meet someone new though that would help and advise me, or give me more assignments to do.

At the moment, I’ve learned that within Sparta Commercials, they have other sub companies too. Another company under them that I also do projects for is called imobileapps. Basically I would get in touch with our app developer, Louis, that is based in Colorado to discuss app designs. Whenever I’m in the office, I would have a skype meeting with him to improve my designs and its consistency. Every aspect of my app designs need to be perfect (resolution, size, etc.) because it can’t be published live as an app if requirements aren’t met. Apple wouldn’t let it through if it isn’t perfect, so everything is trial and error. The frustrating part is that Louis isn’t based in New York City, so it’s hard to try to get in touch with him whenever I have any questions or concerns.

Meanwhile, I have finished the slider images that Ray had me do for EVR.

I officially talked with our CEO, Anthony Havens this week because he wanted me to design a whole new business card for the New World Health Brands company. He asked me to improve the design of it because it was too simple and too much white space. He also had me get in touch with his niece, Victoria to improve our instagram page. As a marketing intern, he was expecting me to give good advice and insight to Victoria about what new posts to post and make it more aesthetically pleasing to capture more consumers.

I am currently awaiting feedback from Louis about the completed and improved graphics of Cyclechex. So once he has approved it, we’ll get it through Apple and get my designs live on the app!