fifth, further on.

At this time I’ve learnt that Sparta Commercials is a parent company and has many other sub-companies that provides other services and products as well. Other than New World Health Brands, we have other services like imobileapps to provide our customers with a simple app for their company. I was introduced to our app developer that is based in Colorado and during a Skype meeting, he taught me about the whole process of developing the apps. My job was basically to create the images and graphics that go into the apps. To see where I’m at with the understanding of this job, he gave me an assignment to redesign the imobileapps app. He provided me a folder of a recent client, Harley Davidson, as an example of what files there should be and make something similar to it.

The above photos shows the graphics I made for the phone apps. The logos and all the elements in each separate png file needs to be in a certain location because it needs to work with the app builder. If they’re not placed in the right exact location, the buttons would get in the way of the graphics. So everything needs to be consistent and precise.

My typical day at the office is basically boring. I’m there two times a week for four and a half hours. I share the same cubicle with Ray, so I sit at my desk for the four and a half hours doing the assigned projects. Basically, all I’ve learned so far from them is how to design and place graphic elements for an app, not much about how to actually do it and make it live.