third, work culture.
At Sparta Commercials, it is pretty formal. Everyone that walks in and out of the office is in business formal attire. I didn’t dare to have an appearance worse than them, so at the moment, I’m also in dress pants and a dress shirt. As a design intern though, I think that as long as I’m business casual, my supervisor wouldn’t mind. I would never go in looking shabby with sweats and a t-shirt, but for this internship, I think black pants or black jeans with a blouse and cardigan/button down would do the job.
The environment is a little different from my expectations. The whole office of that floor is separated into different companies. It’s like a WeWork office where there are different rooms and cubicles. There’s like this imaginary line that separates which desk, cubicle, and office belongs to which company and Sparta has claimed the far right corner area of the 14th floor. I get to work from any desk we have available within our area and I can also use the conference room too for more space and quietness. I’m provided with a Windows computer for projects, but the only problem is that there’s only Adobe Illustrator for me to work with. My work hours are averaged to 10 hours a week until the end of the semester. I would do 9AM-2PM on Wednesdays and Thursdays, which perfectly accommodates my school schedule too.