Prof. Jenna Spevack | COMD3504_D061 | FALL 2023 | Thurs 2:30pm

Author: Nicolas

Essay #2

This essay seeks to analyze the “Calvin Gets a Job” Mc Donald’s commercial series and creator’s used encoded messages to encourage young black men to apply for employment. The messaging of this commercial will be deconstructed in part using Barthes’, Saussure’s, and Peirce’s semiotic terminology … Continue Reading “Essay #2”

Essay #1

Dont Blink; You’ll Miss It

I decided to do an analysis of the film poster for the documentary “Don’t Blink,” skillfully crafted by the New Jersey-based designer, artist, and Professor Yolanda Cuomo. The documentary explores the life and artistic endeavors of the Swiss photographer and … Continue Reading “Essay #1”