Prof. Jenna Spevack | COMD3504_D061 | FALL 2023 | Thurs 2:30pm

Research Project-NH


As the world has accelerated back to a pre-pandemic pace, work-life-social balance often impinges upon the time dedicated to out self-care. Amid this renewed hustle and bustle, it’s crucial to listen to our bodies and take out moments to care for our well-being.  Self-care is a personal journey and requires a blend of uniqie practices tailored to your needs.

Introducing an experimental ZINE designed to serve as a compass for those embarking on a self-care journey or looking to enhance existing practices. Filled with vibrant photography, dynamic typographic design, affirmations, and inspirational quotes, the ZINE offers a curated blend of content. Additionally, it features engaging activities such as reflective journaling and goal tracking to promote holistic well-being.


Link to Brainstorming DOC/Outline

Link to Annotated Bibliography

Link to Brainstorming Document

1 Comment

  1. Lola Lopez

    I like your idea of a magazine/journal for creatives. Focusing on self-care is important and how you connect the history of magazines, mentioning that it attributes to sharing ideas and how it has impacted society in different ways, some of which can be negative. By flipping the negative perception to focus on self-care is a great transition and new perspective.

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