Prof. Jenna Spevack | COMD3504_D061 | Fall 2022

Research Project Presentation – MU

For my research project, I’ll be discussing the healthcare system in the united states and why it is crucial. Also, I’ll highlight the issues.

Slides and annotations



  1. Saria Tabassum

    This issue must be addressed since many people are going on debts just because of the medical health care in the United states. I like how you mentioned GoFundMe and how few cases were successful. I think that as designers, we can raise awareness and create a change. Great Job!

  2. Katherine Alas

    Hi Muhammad, I agree with your argument that health care should be a basic human right and you’re showing some of the statistics are very helpful to illustrate how bad the situation is especially when you how many people don’t have health care, especially children. I would suggest making your slides full screen so we don’t see the bottom of your computer to make sure the audience doesn’t wander off from the slides where they should be focused. I think you did a good job explaining the problem and you showcase some good examples in which designers use their skills to bring awareness.

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