Prof. Jenna Spevack | COMD3504_D061 | Fall 2022

Research Project Presentation – H.C

For my research project, I wanted to address mental health awareness and how design can impact our mental health. I will be discussing the benefits of interior design and how our mental health impacts us as designers.

Annotated Bibliography

Research Project Slides

Video Link


  1. Saria Tabassum

    I agree that our living environment space is the first step in improving our mental health. I personally designed my room to be cozy and filled with things I love (my stuffed animals), and I try to get flowers forty room every other week. It helps me to be positive, relaxed, and ambitious. I was a little lost towards the end of the presentation. You seemed to be discussing the designer’s mental health rather than interior design. However, well done.

  2. Katherine Alas

    Hi Harry, I think that your presentation is very well done. I think you make very good points about how your space can affect your mental health and that can affect your productivity as a designer. I think it was good that you showed an example of a designer who has spoken about his mental health struggles but it would be good to include at least one more example. I think it would be good that using more images on your slides instead of being so text heavy would be good because you verbally say the information. I think you did a great job, especially in the research and how you deliver the information.

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