Hall, Sean. This Means This, This Means That: A User’s Guide to Semiotics, Laurence King Publishing, 2012 (Chapters 1 & 2) pgs 21-67.

A sign, according to Saussure, might be either something visual or words conveying a meaning. A sign is made up of two components: the signifier and the signified. A sign, picture, or word can be a signifier, whereas the meaning/message of a sign is a signified. Both are required to create a sign. There will be no sign without a message since it is the picture with meaning that speaks to us. We can now see signs everywhere and use them in our daily lives.

In Peirce’s terms, the popular Amazon logo is an example of a symbol. A symbol is a sign that conveys messages to others. The arrow in this logo points from a to z, demonstrating the large array by representing how nearly anything is accessible to buy on Amazon; it also imitates a smiley arrow from a to z, which indicates consumer satisfaction.

This poster is an example of a metaphor. A metaphor is a connection between two things, which can also be an image. It tells a story about how one object is related to another. This poster depicts how humans throw trash into the ocean, putting marine life at risk. It demonstrates the consequences of one’s actions. Many advertising firms use this method because it helps people understand the message about what may happen as a result of that outcome. It’s also more visually appealing.