Prof. Jenna Spevack | COMD3504_D061 | Fall 2022

Research Project Presentation – F.P.

The Past and Present of Robotic Aesthetics

I wanted to make a project on how the aesthetics of robotics have changed over the years, since the 1920s. Talking about their physical look, how the design progress has changed, and how has society affected these design changes.





  1. Saria Tabassum

    I liked how you went from how robots were in the past to how robots are now in the present. It’s fascinating to watch how robots are progressing to the point that they can now perform human tasks and have human features such as textured skin, hair, and so on. I really liked the video; it made me wonder what will happen in the future when technology advances and how it will change from now. I’m curious if we’d be able to tell the difference between humans and robots if we could see them. Great job!

  2. Katherine Alas

    Hi Francesca, I like how you progress from the older robots and explain some history, even how the name robot came to be. I knew about some robots but with your video, I was able to see how many there are and how they have advanced. I do find it a little bit uncomfortable to see how close to humans some of the robots look like Sophia but it is very interesting to know about them. I think that it would be good if you cut the first few seconds out of the video and how you are setting up the slides because that can be distracting. I do like that you mention that in the future the designs for robots might change to become more appealing for people if designers try to buy these robots and to make the design help the usability of them for people too.

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