80s Design is Alive, Well, and Living in 2019” by Nadja Sayej, published in PRINT, March 6, 2019


  • Find 1 example of work from a postmodern graphic designer from the 1980s and 1 example of work from a contemporary graphic designer from the last five years.
  • Deconstruct the works and explain which visual and/or ideological elements are associated with Postmodernism of the 1980s and why.

Reading Response:

Paula Scher

Paula Scher treated this design of typography as a visual image. She also used paper cutouts to put together these designs. These are for theatre ads and they have bold colors that help make certain text stand out as well. Combining photography, as those photos of the performer are collaged in with the text. It gives the viewer a lot to read and brings those curious enough to want to read what all is being said. This next artist from the past five years, Leta Sobierajski has done something similar, just without typography. She put together these bold colors and basically collaged together colors and patterns to make this design. In the 80s, colors were a big thing, even though nowadays, it is still something many designers like to play with. She collaged together different shapes as well and made it look like a visual image of a story, what it said in the description is that “music to your eyes is like picking up a rainbow and playing it like a piano and dancing from dusk till dawn to the sound of your own heartbeat”. The colors and patterns shown give her design movement and truly attract one’s eyes to gaze all over and explore the image.

Hypothesis Annotations:

  1. Annotation 1
  2. Annotation 2
  3. Annotation 3Â