Read and annotate Roland Barthes’ Rhetoric of the Image essay from Image – Music – Text, Translated by Stephen Heath. Hill and Wang, 1977. (excerpt) using our Hypothesis group. 

Images hold and convey meaning by showing you an image with things that relate to what is going on in society and by capturing the audience’s attention with it. Meaning in an image can be either in your face to where the audience will understand what is going on and sometimes the meaning can be hidden. Hidden to where you have to find the importance of the image. Like in this image, of the ingredients of Panzani, by Roland Barthes, you can see the meaning in your face, and you will be able to know it right away. They are trying to tell the audience how fresh their ingredients are and that their products, Panzani, are the products you need for a good dish. They persuade and influence us, the audience, by the arrangement of ingredients in the net, giving off a fresh feeling. A feeling of these is the ingredients you need. Along with the bright red background, which would catch anyone’s attention. Also, the ingredients take up the whole ad with the small white font at the bottom. The fresh food on the net shows the name brand of the food. A person would be curious to see what brand it is and why it is a better option than other brands out there.


Word meaning

Multiple meanings

One message