Read and annotate Paul Rand’s “Good Design Is Good Will” in  Graphic Design Theory: Readings From the Field page 64-69 and Steven Heller’s â€śUnderground Mainstream” in Design Observer

I agree with Paul Rand’s view on having a close designer/client relationship. Having a close relationship allows you to learn more and have a better understanding of the piece you’re going to design for your client. It allows the designer to gather information and gather ideas to produce work that best fits your client’s needs. Without a close designer/client relationship it is harder for the designer to approach their work and the client may be less satisfied with the work produced.

There is a difference between underground and mainstream today because most underground designers, artists are not well known while mainstream designers are because of social media platforms, where they can post their work and gain more recognition faster and easier than of the past. It is a lot easier today to gain more exposure to the public and become more mainstream.

This is an early example of jamming culture, where they used a baby for a shaving advertisement. They were more creative and used the baby to grab the attention of viewers.

This is an example of jamming culture today, where memes are more prominent. It is all over social media where popular logo of brands is turned into ironic and funny memes.