You will be reading and annotating two texts: Paul Rand’s “Good Design Is Good Will” 1987 and Steven Heller’s “Underground Mainstream” 2008. In these texts, we will compare Paul Rand’s point of view as a corporate advertising designer and Steven Heller’s critique of the complex relationship between the underground and mainstream.

Read and annotate Paul Rand’s “Good Design Is Good Will” in  Graphic Design Theory: Readings From the Field page 64-69 and Steven Heller’s “Underground Mainstream” in Design Observer using our Hypothesis group  COMD3504_OL08.

My opinion on Rand’s view of the designer/client relationship is that it is true on the aspect of if they have a close relationship or not. The reason being is that let’s say for example a client has this designer that they barely speak with but wants a unique design made. With barely any communication the work will be done but it wouldn’t be the best because the designer doesn’t really know the interests in what the client wants on it. Being able to speak with the client at least on a bit of a normal basis provides a better context of what to put and allows the design to be even better. There is a difference between “underground” and “mainstream” today and an example that can be talked about is music. Mainstream music is related to lots of big artists even if they dont release a lot such as Drake, Meg The Stallion and etc. Underground rappers such as individuals like Joey Badass are musicians that some people know and listen to but not to a point where it’s always on the radio and lots of people talk about it.

This was an early culture jamming logo of McDonalds even though it didnt have enough, with the limited amount of text it was able to bring in audience to check out with the restaurant.

This is an example of it today’s because although it is extremely popular now it brings in a new set of audience due to the big colors of red and yellow which actually goes well together makes the product standout.