Paul Rand “Good Design Is Good Will” 1987 from  Graphic Design Theory: Readings From the Field page 64-69 and Steven Heller “Underground Mainstream” in Design Observer 2008.


  • What is your opinion of Paul Rand’s view of the designer/client relationship?
  • Is there a difference between “underground” and “mainstream” today?
  • Provide a visual example and description of early avant-garde culture jamming.
  • Provide a visual example and description of culture jamming today.

Reading Response:

My opinion of Paul Rand’s view of the designer/client relationship is that although, yes we don’t have an “authorization” to have to work for someone like a nurse or a doctor would need to have to practice, we still do need to have other things. Nowadays people want designers who have experience with design, who have knowledge, and know what they are doing. Not anyone could just waltz into a design company and say they can do it. We have to have a portfolio to show, and even maybe an associates or bachelors degree. Usually the client does not have experience with design, that I agree, which is the reason why they would hire a designer. In the end, they do decide whether or not they like the design for what they are asking for, but they don’t really know the difference between good and bad design, it’s really whatever they feel works for what they are asking for. There is a difference between underground and mainstream today. Underground are people who don’t really work for anyone, like a freelancer, and they aren’t so well known, but they make it happen for themselves. They figure out how to get their work out there. Meanwhile, the mainstream are very well known people, who are usually under a company and don’t have to work so hard to get their work out there because the company would do all that work for them.

This is an ad from a magazine for Du Pont Cellophane, which is an early avant-garde culture jamming ad. It was meant to grab the attention of people to show that their cellophane is good for preserving and keeping this visibly fresh. Meanwhile this culture jamming of today with this McDonald’s ad is more of making a “meme” out of things. Something witty and funny is usually what catches people’s attention nowadays. Something that would be on a billboard.

Hypothesis Annotations:

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