Read and annotate Paul Rand’s “Good Design Is Good Will” in  Graphic Design Theory: Readings From the Field page 64-69 and Steven Heller’s â€śUnderground Mainstream” in Design Observer 

Paul Rand’s ideas of client and designer relationship are something I do generally agree with. I think that when a designer is able to work closely with the client they are more likely to understand the brand’s ideas and understand what their clients are looking for. With smaller, clients it would be more possible to do this because for a big corporation it would be more difficult for designers but it would be ideal because the designer could create work that is most caters to the client. I think that this would allow the designer to make a design that would more closely represent the brand or client than someone who is just told to create a design. However, the designer needs to also separate themselves a little because if they are mainly working with the client and they are influencing your ideas this could lead you into the designer leading into a biased lens or not to explore or possible opportunities.

There is a difference between “underground” and “mainstream” today because now because of the internet there is space for people to connect and develop a subculture. The downside is that those subcultures can easily become the mainstream because they can gain a lot of attraction and then become “mainstream”‘.

I found this image on Pinterest and the creator of the pin is Tay Patterson, I would say this is an example of cultural jamming because we see the image of the bunny which is the image of the makeup brand. There is a concern from the designer and some people about animal testing specifically in beauty products. Even though the text says the products are not tested on animals but we clearly see makeup on the bunny to show that it is still being tested. This is a commentary on the fact that Cover girl used to claim to be cruelty-free and although they didn’t test on animals for products in the U.S. they still were testing on animals for international sales. They use to sell in China and there is a requirement that exports need to be tested on animals. However, they have stopped their sales there and now they are cruelly free. This image was made to show the fact that the brand is contradictory, protesting its values, and most importantly to speak up about animal testing.



