At the top of the post copy and paste the following: Celebrating the African-American Practitioners Absent From Way Too Many Classroom Lectures by Madeleine Morley, Eye on Design, 2018, Typography as a Radical Act in an Industry Ever-dominated by White Men by Silas Munro, Eye on Design, 2019, and Design Gets More Diverse by Alice Rawsthorn, NYTimes, 2011.


Here are the questions to which you should respond in your reading response. Be sure to reference and cite the three essays, but form and share your own opinions too.

  • What stood out to you the most in this week’s readings?
  • How do we change the commercial design field to include a diversity of voices and visions?
  • What will the commercial design field and the study of design history look like in 20 years?


As stated on aiga, Typography and design can could be seen as influenced significantly by males. This is seen through how potent their work is and has been. This results from many years of pioneering and continued success but also, resources. For minorities, much of the resources needed to take part in design may have been out of reach and too difficult to risk their time in. Adding the amount of time it would take to become a designer may have not been a viable option for people that relied on their ability to be constantly efficient. When looking at art today, it is much more diverse but mainly when the artist makes sure to include things that may help portray their background better. Through these additions is how design becomes more diverse considering history. Design is can be considered the expression of the artists at times which can make the portrayal of the art crucial to making sure the groups involved are acknowledged. With so much history of the disadvantages some of these groups faced, the newer groups could have been overshadowed by bigger groups and corporations. As a result, collaboration would become a keystone in the revolution to make sure their presence in design was known. This collaboration needed to be as a diverse as possible so it would consistently try to include most of the groups continuously left out of history.