Madeleine Morley; Master LászlĂł Moholy-Nagy Saw Photoshop Coming, 90 Years Ahead of Time (2019), AIGA Eye on Design, LászlĂł Moholy-Nagy; Typophoto (1925): Graphic Design Theory: Readings From the Field by Helen Armstrong on pages 32-34, Jan Tschichold, “The Principles of the New Typography” 1928: Graphic Design Theory: Readings From the Field by Helen Armstrong on pages 35-38.

Question / Prompts

  • Consider if and how these manifestos addressed the concepts of authorship/ownership, universal systems of communication, and social/political engagement.
  • What common views do these artists/designers share, and where might they disagree?
  • Which elements of these texts remain relevant for the present, and which elements are problematic? 
  • How has the communication process changed since the early 20th Century, specifically with regard to “feedback” and “noise”?


“Uncapitalization” (A.I.G.A-1) can be harder to read but Moholy-Nagy addresses universal systems by stating that it barely affects it’s purpose of communicating to the masses. This is part of the manifesto is a common view since it can have many advantages including providing clearer messaging. Modern day, having a clear idea is increasingly important due to the constant reliance of typography for everyday communication. The element of juxtaposition between beauty and expression is relevant for the present since expression is more important due to the mass production of advertising that serve similar purposes but can fail if they aren’t well known or seen consistently. The manifesto of, (37-G.D.T) “Greatest care,” addresses engagement through emphasizing the importance of studying typography and the risks and consequences taken when publicizing works. This relates to ownership being foundational considering most works have already been made, making documentation and research key to defending publications. Since the early 20th century, communication changed through strategic appropriation of ideas that weren’t suitable for marketing. This resolution can be problematic today because it would need to go through the process of ensuring credits and portraying mostly accurate representation of these ideas after thorough research. Politics can often be used to criticize art which further emphasizes taking great care in one’s research and understanding of public typography. Some foundations of (37-G.D.T) “form” that were replaced or improved are usually included as a way of maintaining the balance and benefits of improving on past works and ideals. In the past, art was more strictly defined and required many people to challenge perspectives and pressure the effectiveness of definitions that would be left unchanged for a significantly longer time. Differing views are welcomed today but can easily be conflicting due to the increasing difficulty of cutting through the “noise,” while sticking to values based on morality. Feedback can be both beneficial and catastrophic so prioritizing this value can help to decrease the chance of failure, as well as documenting one’s design process.


A.I.G.A Annotation 1

A.I.G.A Annotation 2

A.I.G.A Annotation 3

G.D.T Annotation 1

G.D.T Annotation 2

G.D.T Annotation 3