Hall, Sean. This Means This, This Means That: A User’s Guide to Semiotics, Laurence King Publishing, 2012 (Chapters 1 & 2) pgs 21-67.
Saussure’s theory of sign is that the signifier and the signified are the two elements that work together in order to create a sign. Without the two, there would be no sign. A signifier is an image or a symbol and the signified is the word, message, or meaning that is behind the signifier.

The Nike checkmark logo is an example of a symbol in Peirce’s terms. Peirce defines symbols as signs that have significance or meaning to them. The Nike logo has become so popular and iconic that even without the words Nike on it, we recognize it as the Nike logo.

Non-literal devices are advertisements that convey a message that uses a bit of figurative language like metaphors or imagery. The picture above is an example of a metaphoric non-literal device. It shows a picture of a person holding a cigarette with a shadow of a gun. Guns are usually linked to death or danger so essentially this poster is trying to spread the message that smoking isn’t good for you and that every time you smoke your putting your life at risk.
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