Revisiting the Avant-Garde

Armstrong, Helen. Graphic Design Theory: Readings From the Field, Princeton Architectural Press, 2009. Pages 9-15

Design is something that is a part of everyday life, whether we know it r not. There can be many reasons for design today and how it can affect us. Some people also have an opinion on what role design should play in our society. In the text, the author believes ” Just as designers in the early twentieth century rose to the challenges of their societies, so can we take on the complexities of the rising millennium.” What I believe the author is trying to say is we need to try and push the boundaries of society and create new art. Art can be created in so many ways, which makes it different from other occupations. There is something that can always be created from something around you or even your imagination, more freedom. Designers should start to concern themselves with unsolved theoretical questions because that can help them to create new art or discover more things they can question about. Today technology plays a big role in shaping design. Technology helps designers bring forth issues in society, like politics and cultural issues. It helps to spread their work and connect people. What I believe to be the most urgent problems facing designers today is coming up with ways to make their ideas come to life and trying to get their message across to their viewers the way they want. The designers are responsible for solving these problems presented to them because as a designer if they believe in something and want to share it with the world, they need to find ways to express themselves so others can understand.