Ibrahima Diallo

Ibrahima Diallo

Professor Jenna

COMD 3504

August 28,2022

According to the book “Graphics Design Theory: Readings from the Field” design can be infatuated in a number of different ways. There are lots of ways that it can grab an audience, as well as always evolving in due time. According to the author the role that design should play in our society should be “theoretical discussions that engage both our past and our present.” This quote implies to me that although design has always shaped differently throughout the years, we shouldn’t forget about how the past forged in for the present and future to come. What distinguishes the fields of designers from other occupations is that most of the time they’re trying to tell a story. However, it’s also to have viewers questioning what’s going on, maybe allowing them to create their own specific story or visual through the design. Designers should concern themselves with unsolved theoretical questions because it’ll always keep them inspired to do more and figure out more and more different scenarios. Technology plays a huge part in the growth of design both positively and negatively. The positive outcome of technology is allowing designers to input their voices as you view their design, but negatively because the emotions and expressions in design are decreased. One of the most urgent problems designers face today is trying to connect through their artwork. The designer is responsible for solving these problems because they’re in control, although the clients can be the judge, the designers are the ones with the power.