Course Requirement and Grades

Course Requirement and Grades

Required readings

How will this class work?

Please see the FAQs.


  • Final letter grades will be computed as follows:
    • Midterm and final exams: 35%*2 = 70%
    • Neighborhood project: Learning about our local grocery store (15%=5%+10%)
      • Fieldtrip & quick report: 5%
      • A 2-page-long writing assignment): 10%
    • Movie Reviews (one page each): 5%*2= 10%
    • Class participation & attendance: 5%
  • Grade Scale and Letter Grade
A 93-100 B 83-86.9 C 70-76.9
A- 90-92.9 B- 80-82.9 D 60-69.9
B+ 87-89.9 C+ 77-79.9 F 0- 59.9

Important deadlines (Mark your calendar!)

  • Movie Review 1: 02/12
  • Fieldtrip & quick report: 03/12
  • Midterm exam: 03/16
  • Writing assignment: 03/26
  • Movie Review 2: 04/22

Group discussions: online classes

We will divide this class into two parts: 1) online components, and 2) in-person components. In-person sections are very simple. You come to class at 2:30 pm on Tuesdays; and I will mostly do lecture. For online components, you will do two things below

1) Prepare for the following Thursday class. You will read the textbook.

2) Discussion board posts: Students will participate in class discussions or other weekly work through discussion board posts on Blackboard by Wednesday (11:59 pm). I will make weekly work on Tuesday at 12:01 am. Each student, assigned into a group with 5-6 members, will make comments on other students’ posts or comments. Click your group only. Remember all the work will be available for 48 hours without any deduction. You can still submit late assignments, but all the post will be no longer available at 11:59 pm on Sundays.

Midterm and final exams

There are midterm and final exams. They will consist of multiple choice questions and short-answer problems such as explaining concepts or comparing two concepts. Please mark your calendar and be prepared.

Note that no make-up exam will be offered after the final exam. (NO EXCEPTION)

Individual project (or writing assignment)

Please see the links.

Neighborhood Project

Note: Please read this page very carefully, before you start drafting your assignments.

Movie Reviews 

We will watch two movies/documentaries and each student is required to write one page-long movie reviews (double-spaced). Do the work and get credits!

  • What to include?
    • Choose one sociological term that we discuss in class and write your thoughts and opinions. Show your sociological imagination and analysis.
    • Do not summarize the contents of the documentaries.
  • Format! (Don’t write your assignments in your phone)
    • Typed, 12 point font, Times New Roman, 1-inch margins.