Product/Service: TheLadders is an online recruitment service provider for finding candidates for available job opportunities. They also offer a free mobile-to-mobile career app.
Founder/Co-Founders: Marc Cenedella is the Founder and Executive Chairman of The Ladders. He founded the company with Alex Douzet and Andrew Koch in 2003, formerly serving as CEO, and is based in the New York headquarters.
Office/Headquarters: TheLadders is headquartered in New York City.
Method of Making Money: How does your company make money? Through advertising, subscribers, royalties, affiliate purchases, lead generation, selling data, or freemium payment models?
Target Customers: job seekers, employers and recuiters
How many current users/customers, etc: The Ladders currently have over over 6 million members, which includes job seekers, employers and recuiters.
How does the company advertise its product/services? The Ladders advertise its services by Web and TV ads.
Competitors/Competitive Advantage: Careerbuilder, Execnet, Experteer. Advantages: mobile apps that is highly customizable, free services that allow for job seekers to uncover job that may not be posted
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