Peter Junot
985 E 92nd street
Brooklyn NY111236
(347) 890-9000
Dear Lee
I am currently a student at New York City College of Technology pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Telecommunication engineering technology. I am very interested in telecommunication related careers and I am seeking opportunities to develop and utilize my skills and qualifications. I have researched your company and believe that your commitment to excellence and service is in alignment with my career goals and philosophy.
In addition to telecommunication, my academic training includes extensive coursework in the sciences, math, physics where I’ve developed very strong analytical, quantitative, and technical skills. My research has honed the writing, planning, and organization, and presentation skills that I know are essential in a business environment.
I am excited about the many facets of the telecommunication industry and welcome the opportunity to discuss opportunities to explore in your company. I can be reached at (347) 890-9000 or email:
Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Peter Junot
• Reverse Engineer the Letter: Without looking at the job ad/listing, read the letter. Then write down what you think the job ad says—you are reverse engineering the letter/ad by doing this—trying to see if you can figure out the job ad just from the letter.
I believe the ad was asking for an entry level person who has analytical skills and is very determined to make his mark in this company.
• Read the job ad. Were you close in your reverse engineering attempt? If you were, then the letter probably meets with some of the employer’s needs. If you weren’t, has the author missed understanding the employer’s needs? Or have they just emphasized certain things and overlooked others?
I believe that the letter hits the nail right on its head. He seems to have meet all of the qualifications that the ad asked for.
• Does the letter make the person applying seem like a good applicant; an unappealing applicant; or an outstanding applicant?
He seems to be a great fit for the job. I would rate up an outstanding applicant for the position.
• Explain why and how you made the judgment in #3. If the applicant was not an outstanding candidate, explain what you think the author needs to do to get into a higher pile.
• Is the letter free of spelling, mechanical, and grammar errors? Let the author know about the errors you see.
The cover letter is grammatical and free from spelling or mechanical errors.