Tag Archives: asimov

Isaac Asimov Centennial Meetup at City Tech on Jan. 4, 2020

The Isaac Asimov Centennial Meetup was held on January 4, 2020 at the New York City College of Technology in downtown Brooklyn, New York. Our Guest of Honor was Sheila Williams, Hugo-award winning editor of Asimovā€™s Science Fiction Magazine. Other panelists were: Noted filk musician Erwin S. (Filthy Pierre) Strauss, author of the SF Convention Calendar in Asimov's magazine, and E. Everett Evans ā€œBig Heartā€ Award winner. Andrew Porter, Hugo-award winning editor of the fanzines and semi-prozines Algol, Starship, S.F. Weekly, and Science Fiction Chronicle, and Fan Guest of Honor at ConFiction, the 1990 World Science Fiction Convention. Olga Miroshnychenko, biochemist and adjunct professor at City Tech. The moderator was Flash Sheridan. The videos of the panel discussion and Q&A are available on YouTube, embedded below. Ms Williams and the organizers suggest the following hashtags: #Asimovs, #CityTechSF, and #Asimov100.

Photo by Ludmilla Genkin.

City Tech biochemistry adjunct instructor Olga Miroshnychenko and her husband, computer programmer Flash Sheridan organized an afternoon event at City Tech to celebrate the centennial of Isaac Asimov’s birthday. Event details, videos, and audio recordings are included below.

This meetup celebrated the hundredth birthday of the science and science fiction writer Isaac Asimov. It took place on Saturday January 4th at 2pm, at the New York City College of Technology (home of Science Fiction at City Tech), in room A105 in the Academic Building, 285 Jay Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201. Our thanks to City Tech for hosting us, and to Professor Jason Ellis and Dean Justin Vazquez-Poritz for their support.

Our Guest of Honor was Sheila Williams, Hugo-award winning editor of Asimovā€™s Science Fiction Magazine. Other panelists were:


Click here for audio files from the event.

Inventory Completed for the Shelved Magazine Portion of the Collection

On July 21, Prof. Jason W. Ellis spent two-and-a-half hours in the library’s archives completing the magazine portion of the City Tech Science Fiction Collection’s inventory. It tookĀ 17Ā hours total to inventory over 4,000 items!

This session included The Twilight Zone, Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine, Omni, Other Times, and Last Wave. Now that the magazine inventory has been completed (at least for what is currently shelved–Ellery Queen and Alfred Hitchcock are still boxed due to limited shelf space), a temporary finding aid will be linked on the Library/Collection page and a notification will be made here on the blog when it is available.

Inventory Continues to Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine

On July 20, Prof. Jason W. Ellis spent two hours in the library’s archives inventorying the magazine portion of the City Tech Science Fiction Collection. This part of the inventory includedĀ Fantastic Story, Science Fiction Age, two mislaid Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction issues, Fantasy Book, Fantastic Novels, Startling Stories, and Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine. Some magazine covers from this day’s inventory are included below.