Development. Titilope Odumuwagun , Zhao Anthony, Jared Wiggins

Titilope odumuwagun

Developmentall psychology is the psychology of growth, change, and consistency from conception to death. It asks how thinking, feeling and behavior change through infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood.Talking about development we have to analyze some concept that affects development. Amongst this concepts is the nature and nurture. Nature play the role “heredity” while nuyure play the role of “environment” . We  can conclude here that  heredity and environment determines ones ability. However researchershas gone gutter to study how the nature and nurture issue works. One of the methods that was used to weight the effect of nature and nurture is the “twin studies”.

To take the “Jim twins” for example, This identical twins were separated few minutes after birth, and they were raised apart from each other. After  39 years their path crossed. At their reunion some  striking similarities in their habits, preference and experience were discovered. for example. Both had identical scores on test of personality, intelligence, attitude and interest. Medically both had high blood pressure, vasectomy, and migrane headaches. Both have been married twice, and their first wives are named Linda suprisinly theier second wives are named Betty. Both leave love notes around the house. Both had owned dogs named toy. Both chew they fingernails, like stock- car racing and dislike baseball. Both do wood work as a hobby.This remarkable similarities between the twins gives one a relative clue about the contibution of nature and nurture. This obvious similarities are as a result of shared heredity in form of genes, since they did not grow up in the same environment while growing up. Heredity effect show up more strongly in identical twins.

Another method that was used to approach nature and nurture interactions involve the “Adoption Studies”. If you adopt a child who do you think the child will resemble most as an adult?. The biological parent ? , The adoptive parent?. This goes in line with the twins studies. The contibution of the biological parents is  the influence of nature, and that of the adoptive parent is nurture. The story of Harry Potter is a good illustration of nature and nurture interaction. He was born to parents with magical powers, but raised by parents without magical powers. His own powers didn’t flourish until he entered the magic supporting environment of Howgwarts school.

Antony Zhao

Development is essential to all humans. It is the growth needed for all young children to mature into adults. In middle school, students learn to better their vocabulary to strengthen speech and encourages positive writing habits. Jason, my 12 year old cousin learns new vocabulary words at school every week. Whenever I come visit, he puts his knowledge to the test. He would ask me if I knew what this word meant or that word. Sometimes if I was lucky, he would teach me a new vocabulary words I’ve never heard of before. To this day, schools help develop student’s speech and writing which is essential to all.

Jared wiggins

People often think newborn have empty brain and do not have any abilities, but the picture has changed. New born naturally locate their food, avoid potential harm, and interact with others. However their abilities are limited l, but enough for survival. As they grow older they learn new things and acquire new skills. Piaget is a genetic epistemology who studied genetic development, in hia work he discussed four stages of how baby grow. first stage he termed the sensor motor, at this stage babies receive stimulus and response to it such as sucking, closing yheir eyes wGen thints get closer. The second stage he termed preparational stage in which babies respond to images, sounds.They are more of symbols rather than motor play, and are more curious about what going on in their environment since they can think without an object and sound being there.The third  stage was the concrete operation. kids tend to have a more orgainized thought and involve in logical thinking. they can also determine if a situation is reversible or not for example ( 2+3 =5, 3+2 =5). And the last stage of development piaget termed as the formal operation, in this stage their thinking is more abstract and they can think of mutiple variables in a systematic way.They could also define a word in different ways. kids at this stage also deal with social concept like justice.



Positive reinforcement has been seen to be the best way to make other people  do what you want, sometimes  a negative  reinforcement might work better but the question is if the person  convinced that  doing what you want them to do is right or the person  is doing it because  you are reinforcing it. Well I have observed  some kids in the past but I never knew  this could be  connected to way people learn.some kids lived in the same compound  with me which has 8 apartment and It has been  a  traditional thing for parents of this kids to buy their  kids toys, video games,  cellphones,bicycle, or whatever they requested for as long as they have good grades at the end of the section. Considering  what I observed , most of  the kids were able to  please their parents since a reward was guaranteed. However  two kids couldn’t get  any gift since they didn’t meet up with the expected grades. This two kids are always  left to watch other kids whiles they have fun with what they have. Am sure that must have frustrated them enough  until they realize that  the  only thing they can do is to study harder. As expected  this two kids grades went up they got gift for  that at the end of  another section, but  the unexpected  happened some of  the kids  that had good grades before had lesser grades which made there parents think they made a mistake  by buying  them video games and cellphones because they were distracted by  it. Well I was curious to know  what will happen  if their parents  took the previous  reward from them  how much that can also affect their  grades . Even though the kids got what the want it seems to me like the kids were more intested in the reward rather than getting higher gradeswhich is their parents  piority

Who: my neighbors  kid’s

Where: within my compound

When : during the  summer break 2014 and winter break  2015



Attention observation assignment Titilope Odumuwagun

Attention  means  application  of  the  mind  to  an  object  or  thought.  Also  attention  means  noticing  something  or  a  special  consideration  for  something .  therefore  attention in  psychology  can  be  referred  to as  a  person  concentrating  on  a  feature  in  ones  environment  in  exclusion  of  other  things  . But  surprisingly  peoples  mind do  not  pay  much  attention  to good  things  or  things  that  go  well  rather  they  paid   more  attention to things  that  do  not  go  well  or things  that  are  bad. So  we can  conclude  from  here  that  human  minds  filter  out  things  that they  are   less  worried  about  . Furthermore,  our  minds  tends  to  focus  more  on  what  we  are  worried  about  and  making  us  ignore  other  things  around  us.  Well  we  can  further  explain  this  using  my  personal  experience. I  had to meet with my  English  professor  few  weeks  ago.  I checked  her  office  hours  and  realized  she  would  be  leaving  the  office  in  two  minutes.  It  was compulsory  that  I meet  with  her  that  day,  so  I  decided  to  catch  up  with  her  before  she  leaves  the  office.  I  was  so  worried  about  meeting  her  at  the  office  that  I  didn’t  imagine  I   could   meet  her  on  my  way.  About  45  feet’s  to  her   office my  professor  passed   by  me  and  I  didn’t  notice  her  instead  I walked  faster  towards  her  office .  On  getting  to  her office  I  was  told  she  just  left  the  office  about  a minute  ago.  At  that  moment  I  had  a  flashback and a feeling  that  I  saw  her  but  I  wasn’t  paying  attention  to  other  things  around  me  while  I  walked  to  her  office.  I  didn’t   notice  her  even  though  she  was  very  obvious  and  I desperately  wanted  to  see  her,  yet it  seems  funny  to  me  that  my  eyes  saw  her  but  my  mind  ignored  her.  Well this  observation  can  be  explained  in  psychology.  It  is  termed  INATTENTIONAL  BLINDNESS.

Who:  this  is  my  personal  experience

When:  It happened  to  be  while  I was  taking  summer  classes  July/august  2016

Why:  The  homework  assigned  to  me  by  my  English  professor ( Olga Chajet)  was  due  on  the  day  of  the  incident  and  I  had  to  submit  my  homework  to  her  to  avoid  the  penalty