Assignment #1

Ecstatic. This is the best word to describe how I am feeling about this course. I took a gap year so it feels good to be back in school, working towards my degree. My winter vacation was fulfilled with lots of decision-making. I had to see what was best for me in the long run. My only concern for this semester is remaining consistent. I honestly do not enjoy being an online student. I enjoy the school environment. It keeps m motivated. But on the bright side, this is testing my discipline and ability to push myself.

I chose a picture of a finish line to remind myself that each semester I am closer and closer to receiving my degree in nursing and to keep pushing.


  1. Tina

    Hi Ashley, it’s a pleasure to meet you! Like you, I am also working towards a degree in nursing so it’s really nice to meet someone else interested in the same field that I am. Online classes are definitely a struggle when it comes to staying motivated and keeping up with deadlines but it has really helped me to develop my work ethic. I think the picture you chose is a really good representation of a lot of us right now, working towards a future goal while simultaneously facing many obstacles in the process. I wish you the best of luck in your nursing degree. You’re almost there and I know you can do it!

  2. Haifa

    Hey, I’m Asia and this is my first year, unlike you, I’m not that excited I’m more nervous. However, I do agree with you on not enjoying online courses. As a student being around other students would be more effective and lead to influential communication. Good luck with this course, wishing you the best. Fighting.

  3. Sarah Schmerler

    Hi Ashley,
    I like the “finish line,” not just because it implies success at something finished, but because the person in the picture is facing the future ahead of her — without restraint.
    So, we are beginning the semester; what would you like it to look like?

    I don’t love Online teaching nearly as much as I love in-person teaching. So much of my “style” is physical, and subtle — a kind of “you had to BE there” experience.
    That said…
    It is a Whole New World, this digital environment. The “New World,” many say. The Future.
    Thanks for crossing into it with all of us, together!
    Is it a blue sky, like in your picture?
    -Prof. S.

  4. Salman Khan

    Damn, I completely agree with the school setting keeping you motivated, literally is why I can’t pay attention to any of my work online. That picture is surprisingly not what I expected, I thought it was swimming.

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