The Story of an Hour

Gender roldes have changed drastically throughout the decades.  Females have gained a lot more freedom: voting and the right to get paid as equal as a male.  Freedom is something that cannot or should not be bought, but not many have.  There are other wats to escape from what our world’s reality is.  Every individual has their own point of view on whether something, in fact, is a type of freedom or liberty.

In Kate Chopin’s short story, “The Story of and Hour,” Mrs. Mallard, who suffers from a heart condition, finds out that her husband was killed in an accident.  “It was [her husband’s friend Richards] who had been in the newspaper office when intelligence of the railroad disaster was received, with Brently Mallard’s name leading the list of ‘killed,'” (Chopin para…2).  When Mrs. Malllard first received the news of her  husband’s passing, she was in shock, but after it had all sunk in, it was hinted, at the reader, that she was actually happy because she had had a miserable marriage.

Death was an escape for her through out the story once she was informed about her husband.  “There were patches of blue sky showing here and there through the clouds that had met and piled one above the other in the west facing her window,” (Chopin para…6).  The feeling of having the advantage to start a new life was starting to settle in, creating a positive mind set that allowed her to see the good on such a gloomy day.  The thought of being able to depart from her marriage, allowed her to calm down.  “‘Free!  Body and soul free!'” (Chopin para…14).

Mr. Mallard comes home towards the end of the story, and Mrs. Mallard new beginning was ended within a matter of seconds.  The shift in her emotions were so drastic, that she passed away.  “When the doctors came the said she had died of heart disease–of the joy that kills” (Chopin para…20).  Death is known as the stage in the circle of life, that you can finally rest.  Mrs. Mallard had escaped marriage for a few minutes, and was stripped from the happiness.  She had mentally prepared herself to start over; seeing her husband enslaved her quickly, which allowed herself to free herself from the world.

Whether it was her or her husband’s time to go, one or the other had to depart in order for freedom take place.

Blogging Assignment

To get us started on our blogging assignment for the semester, we have six volunteers who will post by 6:00pm on Tuesday–everyone else will comment by 10:00am on Wednesday. They will consider one of the following three questions–but if you want to suggest another, please do so quickly!

How does setting work in “Young Goodman Brown”?

Does Mrs. Mallard have freedom at the end of “The Story of an Hour”?

How do the men and women read details differently in “A Jury of Her Peers”?


“A Jury of Her Peers” Notes



birdcage with broken hinge on its door

her behavior when Mr. Hale visits

her alibi

pleating her apron

mental confusion

way the kitchen looks


Order of events?

quilted in a messy way

fruit jars broke

kitchen work was left half-done

husband killed the bird–hated it for some reason?

bird strangled

Someone, presumably Mrs. Wright, took care to wrap the bird in silk and put it in a pretty box

Someone put the birdcage away

Mr. and Mrs. Wright go to bed

Mr. Wright was strangled with a rope

Mrs. Wright sits pleating her apron



Triumph: noun: the joy or exultation of victory or success, a notable success

From “The Story of An Hour”: “She arose at length and opened the door to her sister’s importunities. There was a feverish triumph in her eyes, and she carried herself unwittingly like a goddess of Victory.” (Paragraph 18)

This means there was an intense joy of victory in her eyes.


Homesteaded: verb: to acquire or occupy as a homestead (Homestead: Noun:    the home and adjoining land occupied by a family)

From the short story ” A Jury Of Her Peers” by Susan Glaspell. ” When we Homesteaded in Dakota, and my first baby died — after he was two years old – and me with no other then –”

I now understand that she meant that when she lived in Dakota for a certain time.


Elixir: noun :  a sweetened liquid usually containing alcohol that is used in medication either for its medicinal ingredients or as a flavoring.

From the “Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin.  “Go away. I am not making myself ill.” No; she was drinking in a very elixir of life through that open window. (paragraph 16).

I understand that Louise Mallard had a heart trouble and this substance can possibly help cure her condition, she was drinking it fast as it had alcohol in it and it caused the affect that she could see her whole life through the window.