Blogging for Wednesday and beyond

To recap a few OpenLab-related items from class last week and today:

  • You can comment on glossary posts as well as the posts by the five students on for the day
  • You can comment more than once per class, but make sure at least one meets the 100-150 word requirement
  • You can write a blog post even if you’re not one of the 5–it would be on top of your regularly scheduled blog posts, though
  • You can add more than one word to the glossary per week–the more you add, the more we’ll all learn!
  • Please add a tag with the letter of your word to help us create a way to index our glossary (which we can’t alphabetize, unfortunately)–and go back and edit your previous glossary posts to add those tags
  • I’ve added the functionality to allow you to edit your comments. Please let me know that you can!

The group tasked with writing blog posts (300 words) by 5:00 Tuesday is the last group to post in the first go-round. Everyone else should comment (100-150 words for the required comment, any number for additional comments) by 10:00am on Wednesday. Once this final group has a turn, we can consider what works and what needs improving as we start our next round. If there’s anyone else who missed their turn to blog, jump in for Tuesday as well–but that doesn’t excuse you from commenting this time, too, since you were supposed to be on as a commenter for this class!

As always, remember to include a title that reflects what you’re writing (it shouldn’t be able to apply to everyone’s post and can certainly be longer than one word), choose appropriate categories and tags (or add if you want a tag that isn’t there already), write at least 300 words, proofread, and publish! If there are links or media you want to include, please do. Commenters, remember to proofread, too, and to take the opportunity to edit your comments after you publish them if necessary–we looked at how to do this in class on Wednesday. If you want to leave additional replies, you don’t need watch the word count, but you should still proofread!

New topics:

When you think of “The Metamorphosis,” can you picture it? Do you have a visual sense of the story? What provides that sense, or what would you need to have that sense if you don’t? After you consider that, you might compare the sense of the visual to other stories we’ve read so far. Or you might compare what you’ve envisioned with this short video featuring images from a graphic-novel adaptation of “The Metamorphosis.”

“The Metamorphosis” is translated from Kafka’s German “Die Verwandlung.” As you read, especially as you pay particular attention to the ways the story is crafted using particular words, consider that the words are the choice of a translator. If you are comfortable writing in another language, try translating your favorite passage from “The Metamorphosis” into that language to share with the class. Or, if you can read German, look online for a copy in German and try to translate a passage into English. What kinds of choices did you need to make to translate that passage? Is there anything that isn’t exactly the same as the version you read? Commenters who can read that language, what do you think about the translation, and would you have made the same choices?

There is a word, kafkaesque, based on Kafka’s writing. What do you guess it would mean, and why, based on reading “The Metamorphosis”? After you guess, look for the definition. Explain using details from “The Metamorphosis” why that’s the definition of the word. (Kafka’s is not the only author to have his name turned into an adjective, but it’s one more widely used outside of an English class. Faulknerian  is also a word, but with a narrower usage).

Most of these topics are from last time, but still valid topics for blogging:

We have been looking at the effects of the non-linear order of time in “A Rose for Emily” on Monday, but you might take the opportunity to consider what effect the sequencing has. How does the order affect your understanding of the story and your experience with it? What would be gained or lost if it were linear? What do I mean by linear? I mentioned in class the film “Pulp Fiction,” which plays with order in a very effective way. Are there other texts–written, filmic, etc–that do this that you want to call attention to?

What does gothic mean?  What is Southern Gothic, specifically? Wikipedia might be a good place to get a definition and explanation of what Southern Gothic is. How is “A Rose for Emily” an example of this? You might add that as your vocabulary word as well.

In what ways is “A Rose for Emily” similar to other texts we have read? different? What do you think about those similarities and differences?

The narrator in “A Rose for Emily” is different than others we have encountered. What term would you use to identify the narrator? is it a reliable narrator? Use evidence from the story to show why you say reliable or not.

What themes do you think “The Metamorphosis” introduces to us? Choose a particular passage that deals with that theme and reflect on it.

How do you deal with the outrageous situation presented in “The Metamorphosis”? Choose a passage that represents that and explain your reaction.

In what ways can we read “The Metamorphosis” metaphorically? What does metaphorically mean? Present one way it is a metaphor and explain that for us.




Jalousie; noun; a blind with adjustable horizontal slats for admitting light and air while excluding direct sun and rain.

From “A Rose for Emily”, William Faulkner- “And as soon as the old people said, “Poor Emily,” the whispering began. “Do you suppose it’s really so?” they said to one another. “Of course it is. What else could..” This behind their hands; rustling of craned silk and satin behind jalousies closed upon the sun of Sunday afternoon as the thin, swift clop-clop-clop of the matched team passed: “Poor Emily.”

After searching this word, what I came to understand is that it is used to imply that the people of the town talked behind Emily’s back. They said “poor emily” behind closed blinds, not to talk about her in public.

“A Rose for Emily” Chronology

when Emily died, no one had seen the inside of her house in at least 10 years

house built in the 1870s?

Battle of Jefferson–people from it buried in the cemetery where Emily will be buried

1894: Colonel Sartoris releases Emily from the obligation of paying taxes

(Q: is this when Emily’s father died?)

next generation (20 years?): they want her to pay taxes, send notice 1/1, again in February, but she won’t pay. She looks small and fat, bloated

Colonel Sartoris died approximately 10 years before the next generation wants her taxes

30 years before they want her taxes: the smell; a week later, smell went away

2 years prior to the smell: her father died

the next day: Emily denied that he had died

three days later: she let them remove his body

a short time after her father died: Homer Barron left her

after the smell ended: Emily turned thirty, still single

gave china-painting lessons–8-10 years before they want to collect her taxes

a year prior, her 2 cousins visit, people pity her

buys poison = over 30

next day–they thought she’d kill herself

next Sunday: Emily and Homer driving down the street

the Sunday after: minister’s wife wrote to Emily’s family

people assume they’ll be married soon

Homer disappears, cousins leave after a week, then he reappears, then disappears again

Emily disappears into the house for almost six months

townspeople spread lime to get rid of the smell around the same time

age 40: teaches art class in her home

Negro man grows older–passage of time

Emily is secretive

Emily dies at age 74

back to the beginning: funeral

Negro man=servant, he leaves

funeral 2 days after she died

room upstairs hasn’t been open in 40 years–which is the time of the smell

room set up with wedding things for Homer


Homer’s body

an iron-gray hair=in her older age



Atrocious: Adjective: extremely wicked, brutal, or cruel;: appalling , horrifying.

From “The Yellow Wallpaper”, ” I am sitting by the window now, up in this atrocious nursery, and there is nothing to hinder my writing as much as i please, save lack of strength.”(Page 2, paragraph 8)

Now i understand that the narrator believed that the nursery was a scary place  to be in.


Haughty: adjective: having or showing the insulting attitude of people who think that they are better, smarter, or more important than other people

From the story ” A Rose for Emily”, ” ‘I want some poison’. she said to the druggist. She was over thirty then, still a slight woman, though thinner than usual, with cold, haughty black eyes in a face the flesh of which was strained across the temples and about the eyesockets as you imagine a lighthouse-keeper’s face ought to look.”

Now I understand that when Emily asked for the poison, she had a very dominating look in her eyes so that she won’t be questioned about buying the poison.