Week 6B: In The Spotlight Feature!

This past week I was emailed by site administrators for OpenLab asking if my blog could be featured for their new In The Spotlight Student ePortfolio Feature. For about a week my ePortfolio was featured on the homepage of OpenLab.

In The Spotlight Feature!

In The Spotlight Feature!

There was even a short OpenLab Review of my blog explaining the different aspects of my blog and even encouraging other students to use my blog as an example for theirs. The reviewer was awesome enough to place links within the text so student could easily access these main points of my blog with a simple click!

Screenshot of the review!

Screenshot of the review!

They even brought up my club Anime Gaming and Underground and my Vice Presidency for it, at that time. Now, I am one of the Presidents of the club.

Even though the feature was very brief, it was mostly thanks to my blogs for this class that my blog was considered for this awesome feature. I may even continue doing blogs on my OpenLab for a while, I seem to have grown accustomed to writing a sort of journal during this semester and would probably miss it if I stopped completely.

Hopefully, this coming summer will give me some awesome things to blog about instead of me just filling it up with gifs of anime people doing weird things.
