7 Points of Peer Review

Pang Yen Wu


Professor Elizabeth Guthrie


ENG 1101



7 Points of Peer Review

  1. Operner:

Christopher Morely once said, “There is only one success-to be able to spend your life in your own way.”

  1. Thesis

I am worried about my future because I do not know what I am gong to do, where I will be, and if I will be successful or not.


  1. Subtopics for each paragraph

Yes he has the sub topic for each paragraph

  1. Topic sentence for each subtopic’s

1.Illusions often throw people off and lead them to live a life full of lies.

2.Moreover, I love technology and believe in a world where technology has taken over.

3.There are many other people in the world stressing about this just like me.


In paragraph 2 and 3 he use it in there.

      6) General edits

Missing one word at the last line of paragraph 2.

     7) Conclusion

He restate the thesis and related to a bigger thought

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