T/9/9: Proposals III


  • Image Attribution
  • Proposal Compilation (click for Proposal_FinalizedTemplate )
    1. Project Title Sheet
    2. Project Description
    3. MoodBoard
    4. Ideation Scenario Sheet
    5. Image Attribution Sheet

    All files needed are found in “IMT1102_GlobalFiles Folder in Google Drive) !!!MAKE A COPY BEFORE EDITING!!!


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    “Critique is about iteration and improvement. So long as you’re looking to improve on whatever it is you’re doing, you’ve got an opportunity for critique.”
    ~Irizarry & Connor ‘Discussing Design: The Art of Critique’


    BRING: A storage device with at least 8GB designated for the class. A reading will be distributed next class.

    LAB HOMEWORK: Complete & Compile Proposal

    DESCRIPTION: Students will complete their proposals, and post the compiled documents to the blog. Use the walkthroughs below to complete this task. NOTE! You must save all your documents as .pdfs before you compile them.

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