Professor Kate Poirier | OL67 | Fall 2020

Category: Student Work (Page 41 of 44)

Introducing Deryck Nimblett

Hello. I am a Computer Engineering Technology major and this course is my last required math class. I wanted to take Discrete Structures and Algorithms in the past, but it wouldn’t count towards my major. I currently work full time as a Data Destruction Specialist for an IT assets recycling company. It is a positive environment, but a bit of a mismatch for someone who felt more at home working in comic book and book stores. Purpose wise at least.

Introducing James Chavis

Hi everyone, my name is James Chavis & I’m pursuing a degree in applied mathematics. I am looking to focus more on the financial science side of applied math as I have several business endeavors I am going to pursue. I studied civil engineering at a prior institution before I got to City Tech. I switched to Applied Math because it was a better path to graduation for me and I love numbers. I currently work in real estate as a property manager. The pandemic has been great from an introspective standpoint as I’ve been able to take more time to learn myself & who I want to be in the next 5 years. Also the pandemic has been good for shifting the focus to race relations as times of discomfort often precede change which this country desperately needs. I’m interested in sports, music, fashion & my newfound quarantine interest, woodturning. (I recommend watching a wood turning video on Youtube I find them highly interesting as well as therapeutic in a way)

“Introducing Wilfrido Villalba”

Hello everyone, my name is Wilfrido and my major is in mechanical engineering. I’m a “hands on learner” and mechanical engineering has subfields that are quite appealing to me like machining and designing. This will be the last mathematics class that I would be taking(kind of ). After this class I will only have to take my bachelor’s classes (most of them still involved quite a lot of math). For my major’s concentration classes I mainly will be focusing into manufacturing systems. After I graduate I hope to obtain a well paying job, and sub sequentially I would like to further my education. Since everything started I been learning how to draw, its quite challenging but with practice, time, and interest it is quite rewarding. My favorite animal are Caracals, very funny, very dangerous, looking species of cat.

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