Project 1 is due this Sunday night, so you need to communicate with your partner to figure out who will post what on the OpenLab by the deadline.

Here are the instructions. Please read them carefully.

Don’t forget:

  • make sure you add yourself as a member of the course on the course profile page (thanks Oscar for reminding me to remind everyone),
  • to figure out who your partner is, check the sign-up sheet here,
  • if you don’t already have your partner’s contact info, you can send them a direct message on the OpenLab,
  • don’t forget to check your OpenLab DM’s!
  • you can also talk to your partner by typing in your group’s shared Google doc if you like (linked from the instructions for part 2 of the project),
  • if you haven’t been able to contact your partner by tomorrow (Friday) afternoon, send me an email and I’ll send an email back to the both of you so that you can be in touch over email.

Please let me know if you have any questions. Good luck!