Professor Kate Poirier | OL67 | Fall 2020

Recordings & camera use

We’ve received guidance from CUNY about recordings of our lectures. I’ve added the official CUNY language to our syllabus page:

Students who participate in this class with their camera on or use a profile image are agreeing to have their video or image recorded solely for the purpose of creating a record for students enrolled in the class to refer to, including those enrolled students who are unable to attend live. If you are unwilling to consent to have your profile or video image recorded, be sure to keep your camera off and do not use a profile image. Likewise, students who un-mute during class and participate orally are agreeing to have their voices recorded. If you are not willing to consent to have your voice recorded during class, you will need to keep your mute button activated and communicate exclusively using the β€œchat” feature, which allows students to type questions and comments live.

This doesn’t change anything for us, but let’s make sure everyone understands:

  • You never have to turn your camera on if you don’t want to.
  • As announced, I will continue to record the class sessions and make the recordings available (but protected by a password available only to students). If you want to participate in the session but don’t want your contribution to be recorded, you can ask me in the Zoom chat to pause the recording.
  • A few times throughout the semester, we’ll hold one-one-one interviews over Zoom where you’ll describe some of your work to me. My preference is for you to have your camera on during these interviews so I can see your work, but if you don’t have a camera or don’t want to turn yours on, we’ll figure something else out.

1 Comment

  1. Kate Poirier

    PS, For some reason the Zoom recording of today’s session is taking forever to process, but I’ll add it to the protected Dropbox folder when it’s available.

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