Daily Archives: April 27, 2020


MET PEER ADVISEMENT TODAY – 04/27/2020 (Monday)

With: Sierra Morales

Status: Closed

Current Session Information: 2pm-5pm

Skype ID:  live:.cid.eca61a37f8772a7a ; you may also type in my number or name to find my Skype account. My number is 917-742-0035. If you have an iPhone and prefer to FaceTime then by all means feel free to do so, just send me a text prior to to give me the heads up. If you prefer to email, my email is sierratmorales@gmail.com.

If you have an questions, comments, and concerns please don’t hesitate to ask.

ETET PEER ADVISEMENT TODAY-04/27/20 (Monday) : Closed

ETET PEER ADVISEMENT TODAY-04/27/20 (Monday) : Closed

With: Sun Gil Cho 

Status: Closed

Next session information: Tuesday (04/28/2020) 2pm-5pm

Skype ID: live:.cid.5aa70c552a913b20

Primary email: sungil.cho@mail.citytech.cuny.edu

Secondary email: sunchorealtor@gmail.com

For any questions, reach out via email to sungil.cho@mail.citytech.cuny.edu or wait until my next session.

CMCE Peer-Advisement 12:00 PM to 02:00PM TODAY (04/27/20) CLOSED

CMCE Peer-Advisement TODAY – 04/15/20 (Wednesday)

With: Tasnia Hossain

Status: Closed

Current session information: Tuesday  (04/28/20) 04:00 PM to 06:00PM

Skype ID: live:.cid.410bb13a64581a83 or search by email tasnia.hossain.28@gmail.com

For any questions, reach out via email as tasnia.hossain@mail.citytech.cuny.edu or wait until my next session.


MET PEER ADVISEMENT TODAY – 04/27/2020 (Monday)

With: Sierra Morales

Status: Open

Current Session Information: 2pm-5pm

Skype ID:  live:.cid.eca61a37f8772a7a ; you may also type in my number or name to find my Skype account. My number is 917-742-0035. If you have an iPhone and prefer to FaceTime then by all means feel free to do so, just send me a text prior to to give me the heads up. If you prefer to email, my email is sierratmorales@gmail.com.

If you have an questions, comments, and concerns please don’t hesitate to ask.

CMCE Peer-Advisement 12:00 PM to 02:00PM TODAY (04/27/20) OPEN

CMCE Peer-Advisement TODAY – 04/27/20 (Monday) 

With: Tasnia Hossain 

Status: Open

Current session information: 12:00 PM to 02:00PM

Skype ID: live:.cid.410bb13a64581a83 or search by email tasnia.hossain.28@gmail.com

Feel free to post any questions as comments to this post! And I’m also available for questions by email. Please use the above email address.