Prof K Pelka : Monday 6:00 - 9:20

Category: Discussion 2 (Page 3 of 3)

Discussion 2

What we choose to put in our frame will determine the meaning or relationship in things. For example, in the first video, Joel Meyerowitz explained by capturing two unrelated people that aren’t even interacting in reality but in the frame, he is creating a scene with both of them in it. Another importance of what we include in the frame is we can make the subject stand out more or help us draw our eye to the subject. It also makes the photo more interesting. In the second video, Peter McKinnon gives tips such as using architecture or using found material things in nature to frame the subject.

Discussion 2

Choosing what is and is not in a frame is important because what you see or don’t see in the frame helps determine the meaning. Things like leading lines, structures, or light use help contribute to the meaning and visibility of things in your frame. Good composition will help your photograph look balanced and appealing. Perspective helps you add details you wouldn’t see if  you shoot monotonously.  

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