Prof K Pelka : Monday 6:00 - 9:20

Category: Discussion 2 (Page 2 of 3)

Avar Discussion #2

It’s important to know what’s in a frame, and what’s NOT in a frame. When taking a photo, a frame adds layers and layers in depth. It’s just like how we want to incorporate layers in digital art. To paraphrase Joel Meyerowitz, he says it best where you have two eyes. One eye looks into the lens of a leica camera, while the other looks at the rest of the world. When taking a picture, you are only capturing a certain aspect of the world, leaving out the rest “out of the picture” like they say. Sure you can take straight forward pictures of stuff. No certain angles means no dynamic. With certain angles, a certain distance and maybe some objects in between, you have a good frame. A frame, within a frame, creates depth. It mostly makes it to better show a focal point with rule-of-thirds. It makes the quality of a certain subject crispier.

Discussion 2

Filling the frame and choosing what to include and exclude can change how you view and perceive a photo. Using the architecture, your surroundings, lighting, people, and different angle of views in your frame helps add to the subject of the photo and can give it more depth, color, and to create a scene. We get to be creative as photographers and think about what to the include in the frame and angles to take the photos from to create a photo that emphasizes the subject the best.

Discussion #2: Importance of Framing

When we view the composition of a photograph, if it’s a superb photograph, its most likely because the photo is easier to look at and/or really well balanced. In photography, using the rule of thirds, help guide the framing of the photo. It is very important to choose what is and is not in the frame. According to Joel Meyerowitz, he says the inclusion and exclusion of things in a photograph, determines the potential meaning of the picture. I definitely agree with Meyerowitz because there is a relationship with unseen content, making it interesting, original and authentic. Framing adds balance and structure to the photograph as well. Framing also gives the viewer a sense of background, even unseen background by using natural frames/leading lines to place the subject in. In addition, perspective and utilization of light enhances the frame with symmetry and a light source(s) that adds a different enhancement to the photo.

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Discussion 2

It’s important to decide what goes in and out of the frame because it contributes to what you want to be expressed and the viewers perception. All this needs to be taking into consideration because it serves as context. There are many ways to make your picture look more unique with things such framing and angle of views. With that in mind you won’t have the same photo as others who don’t take those things in account.

Discussion 2

The importance of what is and not in a frame is a very bid deal. Objects in the frame could make for a very good photo especially for different angles of view that you could try out and get a whole new perspective on things in the frame. I say the importance really is to get the right angle you think is right for you and see what works in that frame and just have a fun time with it. Real life frames are practically every where and using them in your advantage makes taking photos pretty unique especially playing angles using those frames as well. The frame is everything when it comes to photography and using it for anything could really bring a object or person to life on the photo.

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