Prof K Pelka : Monday 6:00 - 9:20

Category: Discussion 1 (Page 3 of 3)

Discussion 1

  1. Dawound Bey wanted to redefine unrepresenative Afrcian Americans in his photogrpahy by potraying them as a complex human being. One project is the underground railroad. He capture images the fugutive slaves might’ve seen at night such as the vast lands tall trees, grass, and houses in areas that are part of the underground railroad. As he said he’s “making the invisible visible”. He found his voice and is able to “see deeply” to compenstate for his hearing loss as said in the video.
  2. Carrie Mae Weems found her voice by her sense of “what need to happen”. She explores domesticated space like the kitchen. The kitchen table project is about giving women a voice. She also captures the drama within her photographs.
  3. I can find my voice perhaps by thinking about what subject I’m truly passionate about. What I want to change, what I want to capture, or even who I want to give a voice to in my photographs.

Discussion 1

Dawoud Bay uses the idea of photography to find his voice by showing the depth and complexity of humanity and situations. He mentions he’s seeing more than others and it compensates for his hearing loss.  One of his projects shows African American history and is called “Night Coming Tenderly Black”. The impact he sought to create is a radical reimagining of history. 

Carrie Mae Weems uses photography to find her voice by exploring her curiosities. The Kitchen Table project shows the many things one can do in an environment with freedom. The impact she sought to create is raising the question of how can a domestic space be altered? The impact of this touches mainly women as it is relatable.

I believe I can find my own voice by involving myself in things I feel strongly about or inspire me. 

Discussion 1: Finding your voice.

  1. Dawoud Bey used photography to refocus how blacks are portrayed in art and popular culture. He says that African Americans in photographs have very often been viewed through a lens of social pathology and he wants to respond to that kind of representation by making photographs that convey a deep, complex humanity. He wants there to be real sense of interiority, to go beneath the surface. His project “Night Coming Tenderly, Black,” is about the underground railroad, the network of secret routes used by runaway slaves in the 1800’s. He’s trying to imagine them through the eyes of fugitive slaves moving through this landscape under covers of darkness. What the project is about is making the invisible visible in the photographs, in away that is palpable and in away that resonates.
  2. Carrie Mae Weems, in “The Kitchen Table Serires”, wanted to not just be a voice for African American women, but for women in general. By making this series and taking these photographs at the comfort of her home she can do what she wants, whenever she wants, and however she wants it.
  3. How I can find my voice is by first thinking of something I’m passionate about and how I can use that to convey a message.
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