Prof K Pelka : Monday 6:00 - 9:20

Author: Ken Pelka (Page 8 of 15)

Due 3/21

Homework 6 36 photos for midterm project

Shoot arrangement using lightroom/photo shop app with iso set above 1000 and shutter speed above 1/100. should get noise


Shoot 36 photos on a particular place. Also be prepared to discuss what you are doing for the project.

These photos are for the midterm project. See midterm project in activities

Week 6 – Digital Darkroom – Global Corrections

Needed for this class

  • Lightroom Classic or Lightroom

Global Corrections

Global corrections adjust the entire file. In Lightroom and the Lightroom/Photoshop App, it includes the controls under Light, Color and Effects. In Lightroom classic, this includes everything in the basic panel: White balance, Tone and Presence.

Using the Histogram

The histogram is a graphic representation of the tones in the photograph. It is a guide to exposure decisions. Most images look best when there is a full range of tones from black to white in the image. But there are no iron clad rules.

Below is a terrific photo shot by Bryan Rodriguez. The expression of the card player is perfect and you can feel him making a decision about what to play.

Card player

Looking at the histogram, we can see that most of the tones are dark. There is no true black or white. To raise the contrast of the image and use the full tonal range, use the following adjustments:

  • blacks slider to the left until the data hits the left side of the histogram
  • whites slider to bring attention to the right until the date just touches that aide
  • shadows slider to +50 add detail to the dark areas

Card Player with histogram

In this photo of the pier in Coney Island, the histogram shows that is underexposed. But we also know that it is an evening scene and that there is nothing in the photo that should be bright white.

A few tips for Lightroom / Photoshop app

  1. To access the histogram, tap on the image with two fingers. If you can’t really see the histogram background, brighten the display.
  2. To see the image before your corrections, press on the image.

Lightroom Workflow:

  1. Lightroom: crop Classic: rotate and straighten.
  2. Lightroom: Crop. Upper right next to histogram Classic: Crop. Left below the histogram. Keep the lock on to maintain aspect ratio.
  3. Lightroom: Color Set white balance Classic: WB on basic panel – Set white balance.
  4. Lightroom: Light section- Exposure section on basic panel – Read the histogram to set exposure. Most images should have the widest possible dynamic range, meaning that there should be data across the entire histogram.

    a. Exposure slider-use to adjust the overall tonality
    b. Set black point-shift double click.
    c. Set white point-shift double click.
    d. Use highlight slider to adjust light tones e. Use shadows slider to to adjust dark tones
  5. Lightroom: Effects. Adjust clarity(mid tone contrast ) Classic: Presence section of basic panel 
  6. Lightroom: Color Adjust Vibrance Classic: Presence section of basic panel
  7. Lightroom: Color Adjust saturation if necessary.. Use with care + 10 at the most. Classic: Presence section of basic panel 
  8. Lightroom: Detail panel. Sharpen. Usually around 50 Classic: Detail panel 

Aspect Ratio-the proportion of the width of the image to the height of a 2D image

Clipping-the intensity of the light falls outside of what can be recorded by the camera and there is a loss of detail.

Color Profile-the data for a digital device, such as a printer or monitor, which describes its gamut, or range of colors. Used to match the gamut from one device to another.

Exif Data-information stored by the camera in the file.

Gamut-range of colors

Histogram- a graphic representation of the tones in an image. A spike of data on the left side indicates underexposure, on the right overexposure.

Neutral Value-RGB values are equal or gray

Non-destructive Editing-adjust the image without overwriting the original image data. Instructions are written to a sidecar file that tells the software how to interpret the image.

White Balance-the setting that adjusts for the color temperature of the light and that will make a white object appear white or a gray object a neutral value

Workflow-the tasks to be performed and the order of those tasks. When working with Lightroom to optimize the appearance of your photos, the order of the steps makes a difference. Follow the workflow recommended below for the best results.

Lightroom Classic Resource

Lab Exercises

Homework 6. Shooting for midterm project

Midterm Project

Midterm Project

Photographing a place

Find a place or places you may find visually interesting

  1. Shoot 36 photos in the place you choose. Try shooting at different times of day. Try using a wide range of approaches using different framing and angles of view. Experiment with light and shadow, color, composition. These photos can be a depiction of the place or your visual response to what you see when you walk around. These photos are due March 21. Uploaded to flickr Album HW6
  2. On March 21 we will look at your photos and further develop your theme for the project
  3. Due March28 36 additional photos on your theme Uploaded to Flickr Album HW7
  4. From all the photos you shot, choose the 12 best, edit and submit. Upload to flickr in Album Midterm project
  5. Final Midterm project is due April 4, which you will present to the class

It is extremely important you keep to the shooting schedule for 2 reasons.

  1. Shooting and reshooting will produce a more successful group of images.
  2. Meeting the shooting schedule is part of your grade for the project

No animals, cars, sunsets, flowers,


Lab 6 Editing in lightroom

Go to flickr and find 3 images to edit. Pick one that is dark, one shot in diffused light( mostly middle tones not a lot of light and dark, which is low contrast) and one that has a lot of light and darks( contrasty like direct light)

Correct the images using the workflow as shown in lecture

Post before and after images in open lab with description of your corrections. A screen shot of the basic panel would be ok

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