Prof K Pelka : Monday 6:00 - 9:20

Author: Ken Pelka (Page 15 of 15)

Week2 Lab Exercise : Juxtaposition

Juxtaposition is putting two things together in one fame. Usually these are opposites: old and young, new and used, perfect and imperfect, smooth and rough, manmade and natural, poverty and affluence. Look around at what you have available to you to work with and select two objects that represent opposites.

Create an example of juxtaposition. For each example shoot 2 different angles of view, filling the frame with the objects.

Rearrange the objects so one object is in the foreground and repeat. Pick the best shot for each. Post to student post/Lab2 juxtaposition. In the post explain why the images you chose are the best.

Also upload the 6 photos you shot to flickr

Homework 2 : Framing/working the subject

Watch video before doing the rest of the homework

Walk around during the day find 4 different scenes, or subjects you find visually interesting.


Working the subject: For each of the 4, shoot what you feel looks good in the frame, then shoot again using 3 different angles of view. Then move in closer and change your position in relation to subject and shoot 3 different angles of view

Shot list for each of the scenes or subjects:

  • First shoot what you think looks good
  • shoot again using 3 different angles of view
  • don’t forget to experiment with vertical and horizontal camera orientation
  • move closer and change your position in relation to subject and shoot 3 different angles of view
  • Total 7 photos per

Total for working the subject = 28

Part B

Next shoot 3 examples of rule of thirds with subject in different quadrants using horizontal format

Next shoot 3 examples of frame within a frame

Total photos for Part A and Part B = 34 photos

Upload to Flickr in album

Do not photograph cars , animals, babies, fire hydrants,

sunsets, flowers, bridges over water although a part of a bridge is ok

Discussion 1 : Finding your voice

Interview with Dawoud Bey

Interview with Carrie Mae Weems – The Kitchen Table series

Watch the videos.

Both mention the idea of photography as a voice, a way to reshape the world

  1. Discuss how does Dawoud Bey approach the idea of using photography as a way of finding his voice. Describe one of his projects and the impact he sought to create with that project.

2. Discuss how Carrie Mae Weems uses photography to find her voice.Describe the kitchen table project and the impact that she sought to create with the project.

3. How can you find your own voice ?

Post in student posts/discussion 1

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