Prof K Pelka : Monday 6:00 - 9:20

Author: Ken Pelka (Page 12 of 15)

Homework: 3

Part A

Using the outside environment find 2 examples each of the following: diagonal leading lines, converging leading lines, vertical leading lines.

Find 2 examples each of Symmetrical balance and Asymmetrical balance

Find 1 examples of repetition of forms

Find 1 example of breaking the pattern

Total 12 photos

Upload to Flickr in an album HW3 A. Label photos


Watch the Steve McCurry video in topic week 3

Shoot 15 more photos that utilize some combination of the elements discussed in week2 and week3 to make your personal interesting compositions that use elements of the urban enviornment

For each of the 15 shoot two versions.

Total 30 photos. 15 x 2 versions

All photos are to be shot outside during the day

No cars, bridges, sunsets, water bottles, babies, animals, flowers or portrait

Upload to Flickr in Album HW3 B

Week 2 Lab Exercise : Angle of view

Take two visually interesting examples of each one of the following angles of view that you can find in your immediate environment. For worm’s eye view, try to keep the camera very still. You could use something to brace the camera and you might want to use the timer.

  1. Worm’s-eye view
  2. Low-angle
  3. eye-level
  4. high angle
  5. Bird’s-eye view or aerial view
  6. Oblique angle

Upload all your photos to flickr, in album angle of view

Return to your group. Compare your examples for each angle of view. Pick the one that you all agree is the most visually engaging and clearly illustrates the angle of view.

Make one post with the 6 photos that were selected.Use an image gallery on OpenLab to publish your results. One member of the group can make the post. Identify all the members of the group in the post. In the caption for each photo include the angle of view and the name of the photographer.

Don’t forget to reduce the size of your image files before uploading to OpenLab.


Go outside and photograph 2 examples each of textures: rough, smooth, bumpy , hard, and soft

Make 2 different photographs using found reflections

Make 2 different photographs that contain water

Find a scene you find interesting and make a photograph from 15 feet , then photograph the same scene from 10 feet, then repeat from 5 feet. As you move closer you will get less of the original . Next look at scene and choose 2 elements or details that you find interesting and photograph them from approximately 1 foot away

Upload images to flickr and put in an album labeled HW1

From the total of 19 images, upload your best 2 to the group


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