Prof K Pelka : Monday 6:00 - 9:20

Author: Jeeniya Dewan (Page 4 of 5)

Lab #4- Meter

For the white surface I used an envelope and for the black surface I used a black box. In order to get the black surface to look black, I underexposed the photograph and to get the white background to look white, I overexposed the photo. The black and White version look similar to each other with automatic settings because of the direct light source.

Discussion 3

Photojournalism is a form of journalism that uses photos to document current events – in other words story telling. Henri Cartier Bresson, birthed photojournalism through his beautifully crafted portfolio of photographs taken throughout his life in different parts of the world. Bresson knew compositional elements can come together in a decisive moment by knowing that the person behind the lens must be present. Bresson believed a good picture can be determined by even a millimeter and that grasping photos, being quick enticed the question of “when”? When will I find a subject in perfect correlation with other objects/leading lines in the frame? He loved the notion of geometry being present because that meant the photo has a sense of structure. “A photograph is an immediate sketch, done with intuition” Bresson mentions this in his 1973 short clip “The Decisive Moment”. I strongly believe that divergent components can come together, in an instant. By being aware of the subject, the shapes, the light source, the leading lines, and the environment and how they are in relation with each other, naturally captures an authentic composition. With the world constantly changing and being created in every moment, this gives infinite new arrangement of things,

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