Still life is a composition of inanimate objects on a theme

To make a successful still life, light, composition, and framing must be carefully considered

Procedure for still life exercise:

  • Begin with an idea or theme and objects for the theme
  • Arrange objects keeping the background simple and not distracting. The background includes what the objects are placed on as well as what is behind the arrangement.
  • After arranging the objects, set up the main light (first light set up and determines placement of shadows and highlights
  • When setting up the main light, start with side lighting. At this point you would decide whether to use hard or soft light.
  • Move the light around observing how the light is lighting the subject and where the shadows fall.
  • If some shadow area is too dark use fill . For fill light we are using a white card opposite the main light and reflecting light into the shadows.
  • Experiment with changing camera angles and changing the arrangement of the objects  to get a composition you like.
  • When moving the objects, how the light falls on them may change so you may want to adjust the main light
  • You may have to use exposure compensation to correct exposure  
  • images are not usable if shutter speed is too slow and are soft focus
  • Images are not usable if ISO is high and there is a lot of noise
  • May have to use tripod (cup for phone) with self timer

Shoot 25 photos utilizing different compositions by changing camera angles, moving closer and rearranging objects as well moving the light to different positions. Work the subject and experiment

Pick your best one , post to open lab with description of why you chose it

Post to student posts/ lab9 still life

Upload to flickr in album labeled CW9 still life

Upload 2 best to group in flickr