Prof K Pelka : Monday 6:00 - 9:20

Discussion 3

Bresson believes that photography doesn’t require any setups, it’s a natural process where a photographer tries to capture things that happen naturally. Different event takes place every day and people experience and give different reactions based that particular events or based on their moods on a specific day. These reactions and gestures happen only once in life which can never be repeated again to be exactly the same. Bresson states that you cant ask people to repeat the same smile or mood because those reactions were based on different experiences that the individuals faced at a specific time period. Bresson’s goal is not to wait and ask the person to perform the reaction again but to be present and capture that experience which leads to different emotions and reactions. Bresson also loves geometric shapes, he mentions that it photographers can easily search for shapes and patterns and capture them but he loves finding shapes in unique positions or in a place where it looks visually amusing for example, he showed little square-shaped holes forming a pattern in a wall, a child holding a rectangular-shaped portrait and some shadows forming different shapes. For portraits, Bresson says that he likes to capture individuals in their own environment or habitat just like those who capture animal photos without disturbing them. Bresson says that when he tries to capture people’s photos he tries not to make them feel uncomfortable, and make it so they don’t feel bothered by his presence. When people notice him taking their photo, it loses the originality because they often try to present a character of themselves before the camera which is completely different from their original character. Bresson never waits or thinks of how the photograph will look like, he waits in a place that he likes and takes his time and waits for the perfect moment, for example- he waits for someone to pass by that area or maybe for a breeze. Instead of clicking random pictures, he clicks a couple of them in different moments or with different elements on them.

1 Comment

  1. Ken Pelka

    Excellent description of how Bresson works. He stays in the moment by making a lot of photos.

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