Prof K Pelka : Monday 6:00 - 9:20

Discussion 2

Choosing what to put and what not to put in the frame of a photograph is one of the most important decisions a photographer can makes, and what distinguishes a good photograph from a bad one. 

Joel Meyerowitz places a heavy emphasis on what is not in the frame just as much as what he chooses to place in the frame, because as he describes it, although a photograph is a 2d representation, we have eyes that extend past the frame, in 360 degrees. Joel also heavily explores the relationship between the subjects in his photo, so that plays a big role in what he decides to frame as well. His approach is very subjective and I find it to be a very unique way of approaching photography.

Peter McKinnon, on the other hand, employs a very technical when it comes to what goes into his frame, using techniques such as frame within a frame, leading lines, lighting and cast shadows to frame his subject in unique and interesting ways. He pays very close attention to the composition of his photographs, and while different from Joel’s approach, he manages to capture some very eye catching photos of his subjects using his techniques.

1 Comment

  1. Ken Pelka

    Good comparison of 2 videos. Making a photo entails both. Paying attention to what is the frame and using composition to create visual interest and meaning

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