
Photographing hands, create 10 interesting and varied photos.

Make the hand or hands a dominate element in the compositions.

Pay attention to gestural quality of the hand as well as the light illuminating the hand.

Shoot the following:

  • 2 Photos of hand and face. Can be part of your face
  • 2 Photos of close up of hand with light coming from the side
  • 2 Photos of hand in different activities
  • 2 Photos of hand and textures or surfaces
  • 2 Photos of your choice

Try to keep distracting details out of image by filling the frame

Upload the 10 photos to Flickr, put them in an album labeled Lab 1 Hands

Everyone will work with a partner. Share your images with your partner by viewing Fickr

Select your single favorite of each other’s photos.

Create a new post on OpenLab. Post the favorite photo of your partners and describe why you chose it

Post to open lab/student posts/Lab1